Saturday, September 13, 2008

Well, first entry.

This should be decently awkward. 

Hi! My name is Jackie(obviously). I have supreme addiction to music & fashion. Here, why don't we do a survey?

When, I find one. :P

Anyway, so...
I'm really getting sick of this election. I live in a very conservative town and most people I know are republican. It doesn't bother me, I'm not going to go around trying to change somebody's opinion. Yes, I am a democrat but what does that matter. Well, it matters to them obviously. When most people find out that I support Obama, I get all this shit thrown at my face. I am SO SICK of it. I will continue to support Obama so please, just stfu. I do not argue about politics because it is pointless. We will all continue to believe in what we believe in. I swear to god, I'm bringing earplugs Nov. 5th. 

I'm really feeling indescive right now. Because for the longest time I was trying to pursue a career in acting, because it was something that I was just drawn to. But after countless auditions and such, I realized...maybe it's not for me. I do want to go into fashion, though. Ever since I was little. Playing with dress up dolls, making fabrics. Every night I pick out my outfit for school. I love dressing up. But I'm not entirely sure what to do in that career. It's pretty broad. I'd be a pretty beast stylist though, haha. This is what I hate about school, it makes me think about my future. When it's summer, it's so much easier.

You know what's weird? If you put me through a bunch of fancy voice editing/tuning, I'd sound like Selena Gomez. Sad, much? I'm still addicted to little kid disney music. I can't deny.

And twitter. So badly.


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