Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey, look at me!

Trip down memory lane...

August 2005(shortly before 7th grade)

everyones gotta have a mirror pic.

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ah, yes, the red. that was an accident

still 2007 after dying my hair back

2007 fabulous red tips
me && zibbys death glare

awkward one eye bang
i have pretty eyes?

we'll call this the royally effed up chopped up reddish hair

2008 the return of the side bang
Zomgz its Katelyn Kiwi and Jackie Fantastic

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Can you not tell how $C3N3 I am?
Me + Scene + Hannah Montana

Do you see that mass of black on my face? Yeah, let's call that my bangs.
Alisa, Marissa, Lizzie, and moi


and that is my hair lifee.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Now, I'm sick. And my teeth hurt. And I have pms. Yaaaay, best week of my life? NOT.

(H&M shirt, Pac Sun flare jeans, Steve Madden wedges)

That's what I was suposed to wear today, until my dad suprised me with a no school for you today, get out of jail free card. :)

I really love that outfit but it just reminds me of how I used to be...

Now don't get me wrong, I'm still a sucker for some nice bright hot topic skinny jeans and nikes. But, I think the whole thing is overplayed and overdone. Random, I know. I just think it's funny. I must've looked like such an idiot to the general public.

For some reason, I have the spice girls stuck in my head. Ahh, I miss the 90's.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Well, first entry.

This should be decently awkward. 

Hi! My name is Jackie(obviously). I have supreme addiction to music & fashion. Here, why don't we do a survey?

When, I find one. :P

Anyway, so...
I'm really getting sick of this election. I live in a very conservative town and most people I know are republican. It doesn't bother me, I'm not going to go around trying to change somebody's opinion. Yes, I am a democrat but what does that matter. Well, it matters to them obviously. When most people find out that I support Obama, I get all this shit thrown at my face. I am SO SICK of it. I will continue to support Obama so please, just stfu. I do not argue about politics because it is pointless. We will all continue to believe in what we believe in. I swear to god, I'm bringing earplugs Nov. 5th. 

I'm really feeling indescive right now. Because for the longest time I was trying to pursue a career in acting, because it was something that I was just drawn to. But after countless auditions and such, I realized...maybe it's not for me. I do want to go into fashion, though. Ever since I was little. Playing with dress up dolls, making fabrics. Every night I pick out my outfit for school. I love dressing up. But I'm not entirely sure what to do in that career. It's pretty broad. I'd be a pretty beast stylist though, haha. This is what I hate about school, it makes me think about my future. When it's summer, it's so much easier.

You know what's weird? If you put me through a bunch of fancy voice editing/tuning, I'd sound like Selena Gomez. Sad, much? I'm still addicted to little kid disney music. I can't deny.

And twitter. So badly.
